Build apps, but faster
Build cool stuff, and waste no more time watching coding tutorials.

Turn your SaaS or app idea into reality
This course will teach you everything you need to know to build and launch your first app — without spending months watching tutorials
No coding experience needed
Even if you have never coded before, you can build your app.
No BS teaching
You can spend a lifetime watching coding tutorials. Or you can build your app in weeks.
Build a profitable app solo
Become a digital nomad like me, or just build a profitable app solo.
What you'll learn
The tech stack I will teach you is all you will need to build a SaaS/app.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Next.js | MongoDB | React Native | Git | Responsive Design | Tailwind CSS | UI/UX Design | Google OAuth | API's | Stripe | LemonSqueezy | Emails | Hosting | SEO | Social Media Marketing | AI tools

Who is this course for?
- *You have zero coding experience
- *You want to build an app/SaaS in a short amount of time
- *You can code, but want to learn how to build an app
- *You're tired of 9-5 and want to become a digital nomad (like me)
- *You've tried to learn to code before
- *You want more freedom in your life and hate office cubicles
- *You tried OnlyFans and this is your back up plan
the roadmap
Startup ideas, the right mindset, and shipping fast
Understand how the web works, including HTTP and hosting
HTML, CSS & JavaScript. We all start here
React, Next.js, Tailwind and UX to make it good looking
Set up databases, APIs, authentication, and user management
Let's build one, with React Native and Expo
Set up payments, hosting, and domains to get it live
How to market it, and turn it into a business
AI-powered coding and dev tools that will make you faster

👋 Hey, I'm Andrew
I learnt to code in my 30's. I know what it's like to try and learn something as technical as coding, and feel a bit lost. The reason I got into tech was to have more freedom in my life, and become a digital nomad. I now travel the world as a Software Engineer, and also post content to nearly 400k followers.
I have a no BS, concise approach to teaching you these skills, in straightforward way. I have 5+ years of experience building SaaS products, AI, fintech apps, and an app I've built from scratch this year for the UK government. I also have 3 years experience in marketing and branding, and have built a large social media following.
So I've spent my career learning how to build and market apps, which are the key skills we're gonna need. I'll teach you both, without wasting months watching tutorials.
Join the waitlist if you'd like, and let's build something cool together.